Half-Stack Developer

Hello, world

🔄 Updated on Sun Jul 25 2021

📅 Published on Thu Jul 22 2021

TL;DR Just dummy text...

The initial description of Markdown contained ambiguities and raised unanswered questions. To correct these problems, later implementations introduced subtle differences from the original version as well as syntax extensions.

In 2002 Aaron Swartz created atx, "the true structured text format". Swartz and John Gruber then worked together to create the Markdown language in 2004.

Its key design goal is readability – that the language be readable as-is, without looking like it has been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.

document.body.innerHTML = 'Hello, world!';

The choice of the JavaScript name has caused confusion, implying that it is directly related to Java. Since Java was the hot new programming language at the time, this has been characterized as a marketing ploy by Netscape to give its own new language cachet.

Microsoft debuted Internet Explorer in 1995, leading to a browser war with Netscape. On the JavaScript front, Microsoft reverse-engineered the Navigator interpreter to create its own, called JScript.

JScript was first released in 1996, alongside initial support for CSS and extensions to HTML. Each of these implementations was noticeably different from their counterparts in Navigator.
