Half-Stack Developer

How to Lint Lit Styles

📅 Published on Mon Jun 05 2023

Normally CSS styles of a Lit component is written as a .ts file so typical style linter will not check against it.

There are two options to do linting for lit style file:

  1. Using an IDE plugin
  2. Using Stylelint

Lit Plugin for IDE

For VS Code there is a plugin, once installed, when editing files containing lit styles, possible errors will be automatically highlighted.

More details are described in Lit doc.

Stylelint with Plugin

Stylelint seems to be the "ESLint for CSS" now.

With Stylelint we can do linting from command line without an IDE.

Lint for lit styles is done via "postcss-lit", a PostCSS plugin.

Install Stylelint and Plugins

npm install --save-dev stylelint stylelint-config-standard postcss-lit

Config Stylelint

Create a file named .stylelintrc.json with following Stylelint configuration:

  "extends": ["stylelint-config-standard"],
  "overrides": [
      "files": ["*.ts"],
      "customSyntax": "postcss-lit"
  "rules": {
    "media-feature-range-notation": null

With this config, Stylelint will use its "standard" syntax to lint all supported files, but for ".ts" files, which are lit styles, it will use "custom" syntax defined in the postcss-lit plugin.

I also deactivated one rule, because at the time of writing, the lit VS Code plugin does not yet support the new media query range notation (min-width: 768px OK but width >= 768px not).

Executing Stylelint

You can either use npx or through a scripts field in package.json to execute Stylelint:

npx stylelint "src/**/*.{css,ts}"


  "scripts": {
    "lint": "stylelint src/**/*.{css,ts}"


npm run lint

Actually these steps are already present on Stylelint's homepage.

That's it and happy linting!
